Duna-Korzó (Danube Promenade)

Name: Duna-Korzó
Category: Architecture, castles and historic districts
Location: 1051 Budapest, Duna-korzó


If you want to breathe in a good deal of Budapest as keepsake but have no time to see all of the city, take a stroll on Duna-korzó, a promenade by river Danube.… Read the rest here →

Royal SPA

Name: Royal SPA
Category: Baths
Location: 1073 Budapest, Erzsébet körút 43-49.
Phone: + 36 1 479-4837
Internet: http://www.corinthia.com/hotels/budapest/


Flat-surface royal wellness


Its classic and eclectic design is what makes Royal Spa unique among the spas of hotels. The aim here is to help guests relax, or even more, to rejuvenate them.… Read the rest here →