Taking a Walk in the Buda Hills

It’s hard to believe that such a large expanse of hilly forest is right here within the capital city. There are hiking trails aplenty; every Budapest native has a favorite – do not hesitate to ask around.

Buda Hills
Buda Hills


On a tour to Sváb Hill (Svábhegy) you can set a new record for the use of most types of means of transport in the shortest period of time. Even if this is not your goal, it’s recommended to give a try to the Chair-lift (Libegő), the Children’s Railway (Gyermekvasút) and the Cog-wheel Railway (Fogaskerekű) and the fair distance of walking in between.

If you do it in the above-mentioned order, you can get from the Belvedere Tower (Erzsébet-kilátó) on János Hill (János-hegy) to Sváb Hill.